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Mastering Helium 10 Cerebro: An Advanced Guide and Insight

1. Let’s start off by opening the Cerebro tool in Helium 10. It can be found in the Tools drop-down menu and is listed under the Keyword Research section. 

1699275909574?e=1709164800&v=beta&t=xnzlAroK743NdXsUMcl9AAcI20KK4hyd9j8j jmHYz4

2. Before you begin using Cerebro in helium 10, make sure you are researching the marketplace you are selling in or planning to sell in. Click on the flag next to the search field to open the marketplace drop-down menu.

1699275931014?e=1709164800&v=beta&t=psnRcUKUPbGTMGG0F sRLsDI6T9kAy 9ZHCcNfEG0kI

3. Now that you have selected your marketplace, let’s enter an ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) or multiple ASINs for the product(s) you are interested in researching.

1699275966669?e=1709164800&v=beta&t=XpTh9RDvyhjigIvVMv4wz3SyUTnGPuPZO abfG6Zz5A

Note: If you would like to try out Cerebro tool in helium 10 using one of our example ASINs, click on one of the blue links just below the search field. 

1699275986993?e=1709164800&v=beta&t=ba25jVXO ioMuJohG9 bDKhegVW9jtbILBLQVGLLoE8

4. Next, paste the product’s ASIN in the search bar at the top and click Get Keywords.

1699276007643?e=1709164800&v=beta&t=HX8ITXzCFM55lJMIRXsHgVyuvqgN xMOn6OeWx vgrg

5. The page will update to display Filters, a summary section, and the keyword results at the bottom.

1699276026362?e=1709164800&v=beta&t=Q8 2Vh4NNLystjrJVBKZIUWqT7sICUnlrA6 J0cFs7U

Filters in Helium 10:

6. The Filters section is useful in helium 10 to narrow down your results to find the most relevant keywords to your research.

1699276049461?e=1709164800&v=beta&t=JxKxCZywIaRz3FeLU3Gg jnImpE1KYu5J vZq8 UMGk

Here is a brief explanation of each filter of helium 10:

  • Word Count – The number of keywords in the search phrase.
  • Search Volume – Estimated number of times this keyword is searched monthly on Amazon. 
  • Organic Rank – Organic search position detected for that keyword(s) for the analyzed product.
  • Match Type – Select All, Amazon Recommended, Sponsored, or Organic.
  • Phrases Containing – Show phrases that contain entered keywords (separate with commas).
  • Keyword Sales – Estimated number of monthly sales in units attributed to each keyword.Note: Keyword sales data is currently only available for US markets, and you must have a Helium 10 Diamond or above plan to access it.
  • Cerebro IQ Score – Score based on the ratio of estimated search volume vs. the number of competing products. A high score means a relatively high number of searches compared to the number of competitors. 
  • Title Density – Number of page 1 products with the searched keyword in their title.
  • Competing Products – Total number of products returned in a customer search using this keyword/phrase.
  • Amazon Choice – Analyzed product, Other product, No badges, or Select all.
  • Exclude Phrases Containing – Exclude phrases that contain entered keywords (separate with commas).
  • Search Volume Trend – Indicates the % change in search volume over the last 30 days. 
  • Sponsored Rank – Sponsored ad position last detected in customer searches.

These filters become available when analyzing multiple ASINs:

  • Position (Rank) – Position the first ASIN holds in Amazon’s search results.
  • Relative Rank – Rank of the main ASIN relative to its competitors. For example, if two competitors are ranked higher than the main ASIN the relative rank will be three. 
  • Sponsored Rank (avg) – Average position detected out of all of the products in sponsored results.
  • Sponsored Rank (count) – The number of queried products detected with sponsored ads for the keyword(s).
  • Amazon Recommended Rank (avg) – Average rank the analyzed products’ keywords hold, pertaining to Amazon’s recommendation score.
  • Amazon Recommended Rank (count) – The number of analyzed products for which Amazon recommends the keywords.
  • Competitor Rank (avg) – The average rank of competitor ASINs. ASINs that did not rank are ignored in this calculation.
  • Ranking Competitors (count) – The number of competitor ASINs that ranked for the given phrase. 
  • Competitor Performance – The Competitor Performance Index is a measure of how successful the listed competitors are as a group for the given keyword.
  • Advanced Rank Filter 1 – Enter a minimum/maximum number of ASINs you want to appear in a certain range of organic ranks for a keyword.
  • Advanced Rank Filter 2 – Enter a minimum/maximum number of ASINs you want to appear in a certain range of organic ranks for a keyword.

7- In Helium 10 When you analyze multiple ASINs in Cerebro, you will notice the options for one-click fast filters at the top of the Filters section. When you select one of these options, the filters are automatically filled out to save you time. You have the ability to tweak the filters like normal if you want to adjust anything.

1699276120049?e=1709164800&v=beta&t=dYymM7s6Y9Pf 5SjAt
  • Top Keywords – Main keywords commonly used by competitors and have a substantial search volume. Once you select this option, you will see the filters automatically populate.
  • Opportunity Keywords – Keywords that create an opportunity to rank through competitor activity, rank, and search volume. In Helium 10 Once you select this option, you will see the filters automatically populate.

8. The summary section gives an overview of the results for the ASIN(s). 

  • Keyword Distribution – This section gives a breakdown of the keywords
  • Word Frequency – This section provides the words that showed up the most frequently. This list can be exported into a spreadsheet for your research.

9. The table at the bottom will display the filtered keyword results.  At the top-right of the results table, you will see icons for Search, Settings, and Export Data. 

1699276190154?e=1709164800&v=beta&t=NbgibLXXNvwhM UwNLT ChqObZ2ewBWEnzRZ8BuPOF0

Columns and Metrics

10. Clicking on a column header will sort the keywords by that metric.

11. The columns can be rearranged by dragging and dropping the column headers. 

1699276230464?e=1709164800&v=beta&t=TCPRaa178XaJphFwaO3zxhoP0csP SBTJ2CYq19650k
1699276280374?e=1709164800&v=beta&t=63cEZr86i iJjgHiqfkz qVbXlqIH44lSJuLgaDsNyE
1699276285341?e=1709164800&v=beta&t=1RVvEehHT E7URC40vvLgbAqYs9Nc5D RB6U j8poHs

12. Here is a brief explanation of each metric/column shown in the table of helium 10:

  • Keyword Sales – Estimated number of monthly sales in units attributed to each keyword. Note: Keyword sales data is currently only available for US markets, and you must have a Helium 10 Diamond or above plan of Helium 10 to access it.
  • ABA Total Click Rate – Amazon Brand Analytics (ABA) shows the sum of the top 3 ASINs’ click rates.
  • Cerebro IQ Score – Score based on the ratio of estimated search volume vs. the number of competing products. A high score means a relatively high number of searches compared to the number of competitors. 
  • Search Volume – Estimated number of times this keyword is searched monthly on Amazon. 
  • Search Volume Trend – Indicates the % change in search volume over the last 30 days. 
  • Sponsored ASINs – Number of ASINs detected running sponsored ads recently in search results with this keyword phrase. 
  • Competing Products – Total number of products returned in a customer search using this keyword/phrase.
  • CPR – Estimated number of units that need to be sold over 8 days, resulting from a search for this keyword for the product to rank on the top half of page one for this keyword. 
  • Title Density – Number of page 1 products with the searched keyword in their title.
  • Match Type – 3 types:A = Amazon Recommended S = SponsoredO = Organic
  • Amazon Recommended Rank – Keywords Amazon recommends for this ASIN, number from most to least recommended.
  • Sponsored Rank – Sponsored ad position last detected in customer searches.
  • Organic Rank – Organic search position detected for that keyword(s) for the analyzed product.

These metrics/columns are displayed when analyzing multiple ASINs:

  • Sponsored Rank (avg) – Average position detected out of all of the products in sponsored results.
  • Sponsored Rank (count) – The number of queried products detected with sponsored ads for the keyword(s).
  • Amazon Recommended Rank (avg) – Average rank in helium 10 the analyzed products’ keywords hold, about Amazon’s recommendation score.
  • Amazon Recommended Rank (count) – The number of analyzed products for which Amazon recommends the keywords.
  • Position (Rank) – Position the first ASIN holds in Amazon’s search results.
  • Relative Rank – Rank of the main ASIN relative to its competitors. For example, if two competitors are ranked higher than the main ASIN the relative rank will be three. 
  • Competitor Rank (avg) – The average rank of competitor ASINs. ASINs that did not rank are ignored in this calculation.
  • Ranking Competitors (count) – The number of competitor ASINs that ranked for the given phrase. 
  • Competitor Performance Score – The Competitor Performance Index is a measure of how successful the listed competitors are as a group for the given keyword. Visit our services page or contact us to get any service. Also, visit the careers page for new opportunities. You can find more information like this here.

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